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Presentation Skills for Managers

Event type:Core Skills
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Event Details

- 17:00
Fri, October 7 2016
- Fri, October 7 2016

There’s a whole load of fascinating stuff that you could know about public speaking and presentations. Like how the Romans stressed structure in oratory, whereas the Greeks emphasised persuasion and logic. Or how the pathetic appeal (one made to the emotions or feelings) differs from the logical appeal (made to logical mind).
But even if you learned all that, it wouldn’t make you any better as a presenter.
We will.
Here’s how; we bring in your members, make them stand up and present. We will assess them as their potential audiences will assess them, such other board members, investors, stakeholders and members. And we watch, carefully. And listen, intently. We look at how well they relate to their audience. We assess the structure and sequence of their communication. We analyse their use of data and illustration. We test their assertions. We interrogate their visuals. And then we show them how to improve.
No waffle. Just interventions tailored to make you sure that the next time you make a presentation it’s interesting, understandable and memorable.
You’ll also get all the stuff about using PowerPoint, handling statistics, dealing with questions, scripting, preparation and delivery.
At the end of the training you will

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