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European Tech Cluster


itag – Galway and the AtlanTec Gateway’s tech cluster, has been awarded official recognition at European level. This prestigious recognition formally accredits itag (Innovation Technology AtlanTec Gateway) as a “world class computing and technology cluster across the region.”

The accreditation was presented by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) and is supported by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry.

itag’s European cluster status  will create additional opportunities for the growth and development of the sector across the West of Ireland. This recognition will further enhance the standing of the ICT sector throughout the West and the entire AtlanTec region, enabling greater links to the wider European tech cluster network which supports 54 million jobs. European accreditation will also help the sector secure greater opportunities to source funding as well as to participate in mutual collaboration with European partners. 

“This is a tremendous honour and achievement for the entire AtlanTec tech cluster and all the stakeholders involved,” said David Bermingham,  Director, AI Application, IBM and Chair of itag. “It amounts to recognition of the highest calibre, bestowing our cluster with the ESCA’s and the European Commission’s seal of approval. It formally acknowledges the creation of world class computing and technology cluster across the region.

“We are now seen as an elite tech cluster and with that comes elite opportunities. It will open doors for all those involved locally in the ICT space. It will create opportunities, while giving an enhanced platform for doing business and interacting with counterparts in other countries and other clusters. It will enable access to more funding prospects while also facilitating collaboration between our local tech industry and innovative European partners on mutually beneficial projects. This isn’t just an award, it is a catalyst for even further growth and development,” he said.

Sharon Walsh, VP Technology with Fidelity Investments and Vice Chair of itag said, “This achievement has only been possible thanks to the enhanced levels of co-operation that have been fostered throughout the local ICT community in this region over recent years. All the various stakeholders have made a major commitment to helping to realise the spirit of collaboration and form closer bonds between academia, business and industry as well as Government and state agencies, including itag Skillnet. All will feel the benefits of this accreditation and hopefully that will further strengthen the links between all these elements as well as many of their counterparts across Europe,” she added.

David Bermingham, Director, AI Applications at IBM, Chair of itag

Helmut Kergel, spokesperson for European Secretariat of Cluster Analysis commented, “Analysing the data of itag it can be stated that the cluster initiative is well integrated in the Irish innovation system, providing valuable services and leading to well measurable effects on the enterprise’s level.”

Ricky Conneely, West Region Business & Relationship Development Manager, IDA Ireland said, itag plays a key role in supporting and upskilling the evolving and dynamic digital tech sector in the West, Mid-West and North West. Supporting clusters plays a central role in IDA Ireland’s Strategy Driving Recovery & Sustainable Growth 2021-2024. IDA Ireland is pleased to see itag being recognised internationally and we look forward to continuing our relationship with the network and its members over the coming years.”

Tomás Ó Síocháin CEO, Western Development Commission “itag represent a hugely important industry cluster along Ireland’s Atlantic Coast. These organisations operate at the cutting edge of research and development and play a huge part in sustaining the competitive advantage the region offers in terms of quality of life and the opportunity to build a career. As well as a region of stunning physical beauty, the location between the US and the EU ensures that Ireland’s western region continues to be at the forefront of bringing bold ideas to life.”

itag now joins an elite network of 32 recognised ICT clusters in Europe from countries like Denmark Spain and Germany. If you are interested in becoming involved with itag please contact