Presenting with Impact

Event type:Training Events
Cisco, Galway

Event Details

- 04:30
Tue, April 30 2024

Few people are natural public speakers. Those who make it look natural do so because they have continued to practice their skills. The aim of this workshop is to enable participants explore how to develop content that will engage the audience; how to present the content effectively and confidently through good use of verbal and non-verbal delivery and how to use visual aids to support the messages delivered.
Take the opportunity to bring the presentations you prepare and deliver to the next level

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this programme you will –

•  Know the steps to design and build content to meet the objectives of your presentation and needs of the audience
•  Know how to use visual aids effectively
•  Have tools to deliver your presentation with confidence and credibility

Workshop Methodology

The programme will be highly participative and include discussions, exercises and presentation practice to address the objectives. The participants will be encouraged to interact and discuss the relevant areas to ensure that knowledge and skills are developed. The content outlined below can be modified or tailored based on the paticipants’ requirements and experience.

Workshop Overview
•  Introductions and objectives
•  Basic Principles: How to determine the objective of your presentation; plan for your audience and understand your main message
•  Developing the content: How to build your content and develop your main points; ways to keep your audiences’ attention; how to structure the flow; different ways to open and how to close
•  Use of visual aids: The role of visual aids, different visual aids to use and how to create and use effectively
•  Delivery skills: Understanding and managing nerves; delivering with impact through your voice and body language; remembering your content

•  Practice delivery. An important aspect of this course is practice and feedback. All participants will develop a short presentation and deliver. Constructive feedback will be given which will be used to refine their content and delivery


Note: The practice is essential to developing presentation skills and confidence. Participants constantly comment on how they could feel the improvement from their first to their second delivery in the course. This is a hugely confidence building process and enables participants to return to the workplace knowing the improvement they have made and how to continuously improve the quality and impact of their presentations.

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