itag news

March 24, 2020

Business Continuity Statement

itag ltd, itag Skillnet & the AtlanTec Festival are fully supportive of the Government’s efforts to effectively address and limit the spread of COVID-19 and to safeguard the protection of public health and that of our stakeholders.

In support of this national effort, we have postponed all public training courses and events in line with this initiative until the end of March.  We will continue to take bookings for programmes from April onwards and are working with our training providers to offer these programmes virtually where possible. We will share details of these programs as soon as they are available.

Our staff are now working remotely and are available to discuss any queries that your businesses or trainees have regarding our scheduled events/training programs and supports for businesses.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any of your queries and we will be more than happy to help.  Together we will get through this.

We would remind our stakeholders that the HSE website is the authoritative source of information and advice on the situation regarding COVID-19 in Ireland.


Caroline, Dee & Jo.