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Agile Forum – Your Project Behaves Like a Hurricane. Forecast It Like One!

Event type:Master Class
Live Virtual

Event Details

- 14:00
Tue, November 23 2021


Do your projects seemingly spin up out of nowhere, strike when least expected, and leave a trail of destruction in their wake?  Though the butt of many jokes, weather forecasting—and in particular hurricane forecasting—has gotten surprisingly good over the past few decades.  This increased accuracy is mainly due to the rigorous application of proven techniques like Monte Carlo Simulation and Continuous Forecasting.  In this talk we will explore some of those practices and discuss how you might employ them to make your projects more predictable.  We will walk through some real-world examples that will explain how to get you up and running with methods immediately.  You wouldn’t want a little thing like bad forecasting get in the way of you delivering your projects on time, would you?


About our Speaker

Daniel Vacanti is a 25-plus year software industry veteran who has spent most of his career focusing on Lean and Agile practices.  In 2007, he helped to develop the Kanban Method for knowledge work and managed the world’s first project implementation of Kanban that year.  He has been conducting Lean-Agile training, coaching, and consulting ever since. In 2013 he founded ActionableAgileTM which provides industry-leading predictive analytics tools and services organizations that utilize Lean-Agile practices.  In 2015 he published his book, “Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability”, which is the definitive guide to flow-based metrics and analytics.  In 2017, he helped to develop the “Professional Scrum with Kanban” class with and in 2018, he published his second book, “When Will It Be Done?”.  Most recently, Daniel co-founded whose aim is to create a safe, diverse, inclusive community to learn about Kanban.


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