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Build stability through superior test automation and build practices

Event type:TechTalks

Event Details

- 16:00
Thu, November 17 2016
- Thu, November 17 2016

James Noonan & Noel Healy – Cisco Systems, Galway

James Noonan

James is a Senior Engineer at Cisco Systems. Over the last 8-years he has worked on various projects including Jabber, both on the server and client side. Previous to that, he has worked at Avaya and Lucent Technologies. He was awarded a Ph.D in Computer Science from University College Dublin.

Noel Healy
Noel has been with Cisco System for 4 years as a Senior Infrastructure Engineer. During that time he has specialised in facilitating Test and Continuous Integration projects through infrastructure. Noel has previous experience of working with some the largest enterprise infrastructures as a Systems Management Specialist in his work with NetIQ.

Stephen Mulcahy – HPE, Galway <emAbstract:</em

Stephen Mulcahy

Shane Keville, Cisco Systems, Galway
Continuous integration as a development practise is often considered to be a silver bullet in the agile development world. Whilst this may well be true, it can be expensive to setup, costly to maintain and slow to implement. But what about continuous testing? This talk will deal with some of the difficulties faced with taking a continuous build system and adding continuous testing to the process. I will discuss some of the problems we faced around test reliability, test usefulness and test coverage. I’ll touch on some of the tools we used to help us with this and some common sense approaches to adding tests into the build process.

Shane Keville


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