Cloud Essentials for Developers

Event type:Tech Skills
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Event Details

- 17:00
Tue, December 10 2019
- Fri, December 13 2019

Cloud Essentials for Developers
4 Days – Live Classroom or Virtual Classroom
Cloud computing has provided a raft of changes the way teams design & deploy applications for their clients. Options now exist that simply were not available before the emergence of cloud computing platforms such as AWS and Azure.
This workshop covers all the primary activities and technologies involved in designing, deploying and securing applications on an AWS platform. In addition to deployment and security, we also cover data as a service and infrastructure as a service.
The training is designed around a 2-day practical project, where participants work in teams to design an automated deployment pipeline for a typical web application.
Learning Objectives
You will learn how to:

Topics and Content

<liAWS, Azure, Pivotal, Google and the Cloud Computing Landscape</li
<liAutoscaling, Load balancing and Elasticity</li
To book your place contact Dee,

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