Digital Women’s Leadership Program – Module 1

Event type:Digital Women

Event Details

- 13:00
Tue, March 29 2022

The Digital Women’s Leadership Program is a 10 day programme (8 half days and 2 full days) held over 6 months. This program, is for high potential women in middle/senior management. The program is planned to encourage and increase women technologies and their visibility in the IT sector. The training modules are designed for Hi-Po women to ensure long term engagement and the development of increased leadership impact.

Course Content:

Module 1: Leadership & Management Skills 29th & 31st March 9:30 – 13:00 each day.

Leadership & Management Day 1


The Leadership & Management role can can be demanding and new skills are needed to achieve objectives. Although these skills do not always come naturally they can be learned.

In addition it is now accepted that technical ability or professional knowledge alone is not enough to be a successful leader in today’s competitive business climate.

To be able to interact with others, make decisions, take optimal actions in solving problems, and cope with change or challenges demands something more. This something more is Emotional Intelligence.

This practical course addresses these demands. The course is designed to be as practical as possible. The format includes individual and group practice, role-play and input from the course leader.


Understanding Leadership & Management
Leading & Motivating Your Team
Using Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Using EI for Achievement, Initiative & Transparency
Post Course Emotional Intelligence Assessment (Optional)

As part of the programme participants can take an on-line EI Assessment and receive their individual and confidential EI Report. This is followed up by a 1-2-1 feedback session from the course trainer (a fully qualified EI Assessor) on the outcomes of the report, its application to the individual’s current work and suggested strengths and development opportunities.

Course Schedule

Module 1 Leadership & Management Skills  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 29th & 31st March

Module 2 Communication Skills  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 26th & 28th April

Module 3 Win/Win Negotiation (Negotiation Skills)  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 24th & 26th May

Module 4 Engage Your Audience 9:30 am – 1:00 pm 28th & 30th June

Module 5 Brand You 9:30 am – 4:00 pm 12th July

Module 6 Manging your Stress 9:30 am – 4:00 6th September

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