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Digital Women’s Leadership Program – Module 2

Event type:Digital Women

Event Details

- 13:00
Tue, April 16 2024

The Digital Women’s Leadership Program is a 10 day program (8 half days and 2 full days) held over 6 months. This program, is for high potential women in middle/senior management. The program is planned to encourage and increase women technologies and their visibility in the IT sector. The training modules are designed for Hi-Po women to ensure long term engagement and the development of increased leadership impact.

Course Content:

Module 2: Communication Skills –   16th & 18th April  2024 – 9.30am -1.00pm on each day

Leading and Managing others demands effective communication. Those who develop the skill are able to build relationships, develop networks, gain the trust of their colleagues, lessen stress or conflict and increase productivity

This workshop explains human communication. From that understanding programme delegates are introduced to strategies and techniques to help them increase their communication skills and become more effective and influential.

These core skills are then applied to Coaching & Mentoring, Influencing and Giving Feedback in order to achieve Trust and High Performance in Teams.

During the course delegates will practice skills that can be applied immediately after the training. This is achieved through individual and group exercises, role plays and discussions to support experiential learning.


Course Schedule

Course Schedule

Module 1 Leadership & Management Skills  9:30 am – 5:00 pm 14th March 2024

Module 2 Communication Skills  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 16th and 18th April 2024

Module 3 Win/Win Negotiation (Negotiation Skills)  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 21st and 23rd May 2024

Module 4 Engage Your Audience 9:30 am – 1:00 pm 18th and 20th June 2024

Module 5 Brand You and Your Online Presence 9:30 am – 4:00 pm 4th July 2024

Module 6 Managing your Stress 9:30 am – September –  exact date to be confirmed


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