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Digital Women’s Leadership Program – Module 5

Event type:Digital Women
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Event Details

- 16:00
Fri, September 8 2023

The Digital Women’s Leadership Program is a 10 day program (8 half days and 2 full days) held over 6 months. This program, is for high potential women in middle/senior management. The program is planned to encourage and increase women technologies and their visibility in the IT sector. The training modules are designed for Hi-Po women to ensure long term engagement and the development of increased leadership impact.


Course Content:

Module 5 – Brand You and Your Online Reputation – 14th September 9.30am – 4pm

This module will look at getting participants to critically assess their own brand, unique selling point or whatever it is that that they want to sell. We will also look at ways that participants can start to use social media to create their on-line brand, promote themselves and know how to engage with the digital world appropriately.

We’ll also look at ways that they can keep up to date with digital and social media trends.


Course Module Schedule

Module 1 Leadership & Management Skills  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 21st & 23rd March 2023

Module 2 Communication Skills  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 18th & 20th April 2023

Module 3 Win/Win Negotiation (Negotiation Skills)  9:30 am – 1:00 pm 23rd & 25th May2023

Module 4 Engage Your Audience 9:30 am – 1:00 pm 20th & 22nd June 2023

Module 5 Brand You & Your Online Reputation 9:30 am – 4:00 pm 14th September 2023

Module 6 Managing your Stress October 2023 – Dates to be confirmed

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