Lunch & Learn with SmartBear & IBM

Event type:Community

Event Details

- 13:00
Tue, November 3 2020

Lunch & Learn with SmartBear & IBM: Virtualize, Deploy & Test APIs in Minutes Using ReadyAPI & Kubernetes

In order to build quality APIs, developers and testers conduct extensive functional, performance and security testing before releasing their APIs to a live environment. However, this can be problematic, especially in the early stages of development. Virtualizing and deploying APIs early in development enables developers and testers to accelerate their application development, testing and delivery.

During this 1hr session, we will discuss and demonstrate:

  1. Why is API Virtualization Important? Attendees will learn the value, advantages and business benefits of API virtualization.
  2. API Virtualization Potential with SmartBear. Attendees will learn what Virtserver is and how it can benefit their API development.
  3. Kubernetes 101. Attendees will learn about the benefits, basic implementation and use cases of Kubernetes.
  4. Taking CI/CD into the cloud with IBM. Attendees will learn the value of IBMCloud from a CI/CD perspective and how SmartBear tools work within this environment.

Please ensure to register early to secure your virtual seat.

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