Management Excellence Day 2

Event type:Core Skills
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Event Details

- 16:30
Tue, March 16 2021

Management Excellence Course Overview

The underlying principle of this two day Management Excellence Program is that High Performance Managers create High Performance Teams and the aim of this program is to offer participants all the skills and techniques needed to become High Performance Managers. This is a proven program that has been delivered many times to managers in Europe, the US and in Asia.

We are running a remote Management Excellence Program with the Mindful Leader Academy

Dates: 9th & 16th March

Program Background
The underlying principle of this Management Excellence Program is that High Performance Managers create High Performance Teams and the aim of this program is to offer participants all the latest thinking and techniques to become even more effective Managers. This is a proven program that has been delivered many times to managers in Europe, the US and in Asia. Quoting feedback from one past participant… “This has been the most enjoyable, most practical and most impactful Management skills development program that I have completed to date. This program is a perfect balanced of the latest Management Theory and skills development through practice”

Program Deliverables
This Management Excellence Program will provide the following quantifiable business

1. A measurable improvement in the management competencies of the program participants.

2.Greater application of Coaching Skills by the Managers to empower their team members to even higher levels of engagement and personal empowerment.

3. Participants will be provided with the latest theory and skills of having Courageous Conversations so that any sub-standard performance at their team member level can be addressed in a timely and effective manner.

4. The participants of this Management Excellence Program will be provided with the theory and opportunity to develop advanced conflict resolution skills to empower them to quickly and effectively address individual and / or group conflict

5. The skill of staying focused on the critical business variables to enable the delivery of the Business Priorities on time and in full will also be explored as part of this program.

Management Excellence Workshop 9th March– Day 1 
Module 1 Communicating with High Impact. In this opening session, the participants will be provided with powerful tools and techniques to ensure that their messages are always delivered with maximum impact and maximum effect. Participants will also be provided with the opportunity to become aware of how they may currently be sabotaging their own effectiveness when it comes to high impact communications

Module 2 The Characteristics of High-Performance Teams. The Characteristics of High-Performance Teams will be explored in this session and the participants will also be provided with the opportunity to complete an assessment to determine the current level of performance of their own team. The impact of the Manager’s personal leadership style on the level of performance of their team will also be discussed in this first module.

Module 3 Time Management is not the Issue …. It’s Lack of Focus on Priorities! This module addresses the critical need for managers to stay focused on the important critical few priorities and not get derailed by the constant demands of the urgent day-to-day tasks. Research has shown that organizational issues that typically get categorized as ‘Time Management’ issues can be more accurately categorized as lack of focus on the critical few key priorities. This module will show how identifying and staying focus on the critical few important business priorities resolves the vast majority of traditional time management issues.

Management Excellence Workshop 16th March – Day 2
Module 4 Professional Coaching Skills for Managers. In this opening session of the second day, the participants will be offered a practical framework for effective coaching in the workplace. The advantages of taking a coaching approach to team member development and team member empowerment will also be explored. The key skill of Active Listening will also be development as part of this Coaching session. The facilitator will give a demonstration of effective coaching in the workplace and each participant will be provided with the opportunity to practice having a
coaching conversation.

Module 5 Transforming Team Conflict into Team Collaboration. Highly effective managers have the ability to transform conflict into sources of innovation and creativity. In this session of this workshop, participants will be invited to complete an internationally accredited Conflict Styles questionnaire so that they can increase their own awareness of how they can manage and deal with conflict situations in a more effective manner.

Module 6 Managing Performance through the Power of Courageous Conversations. A manager’s ability to manage poor performance is critical because if left unaddressed, the poor performance is perceived to be the acceptable level of performance. The ability to hold difficult conversations is critical to effective supervision and in this module, the participants will be provided with the latest leadership material on how to navigate their way through difficult conversations so that they achieve their desired outcome. The facilitator will demonstrate how to have a courageous
conversation and will then provide each participant with the opportunity to practice having a real and challenging conversation.

About the Workshop Facilitator
Executive Summary
Linda O’ Mahony is an experienced, highly energetic and entrepreneurial Leader who has built high performance teams and simultaneously delivered profit improvements through developing and leading strategic and operational change programs within organisations. Linda has a unique quality of being able to Coach and Lead at any level and in any environment.

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