Microsoft Power BI Desktop

Event type:Tech Skills

Event Details

- 16:00
Wed, November 9 2022

Bridge the gap between data and decisions with Power BI.  This training will enable you to use all key features in order to effectively analyse your data, create interactive reports and share your findings throughout your organisation, regardless of technical or analytical background.

Power BI features interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with a simple interface that makes it easy for end-users to create their own reports and dashboards.  You will learn how Power BI can transform any data into rich visuals and help turn insights into action.

Who should attend? New or existing users of Microsoft Power BI, who want to analyse data effectively using Microsoft Power BI Desktop.
Assumed Knowledge: A working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is assumed, gained from the workplace or by prior attendance on an IT course.
Objectives: To provide attendees with the skills required to very effectively analyse data and create visualisations using Microsoft Power BI Desktop.

During the course of this Module, the following topics will be covered:

Microsoft Power BI Desktop:

  1. Creating a visualisation and setting up Slicers to filter Data.
  2. The desktop Interface.
  3. Getting data from various sources.
  4. Interaction between Visualisations.
  5. Aggregation.
  6. Transforming and correcting data.
  7. Creating custom columns.
  8. Creating visualization by asking questions.
  9. Linking tables.
  10. Relationships types.
  11. Getting data from the web.
  12. Using the append data query.
  13. Visualisations.
  14. Report view.

Create rich, interactive data visualisations from multiple data sources and share important business insights that drive success with Microsoft Power BI

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