Success without the stress

Event type:Core Skills
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Event Details

- 23:00
Wed, November 20 2019
- Wed, November 20 2019

Success without the stress – 3 steps to powerful self belief & greater confidence,
without all the obstacles
Description: The foundation to an amazing and successful life is having the right mindset. This talk will share 3 key strategies that are essential for developing a mindset for success, without the stress.

Content points
1. Building powerful self beliefs
2. Getting comfortable at being uncomfortable
3. Dealing with obstacles
This talk is for you if…
1. You are currently feeling overwhelmed and stressed
2. You are struggling to achieve your dream goals
3. You want to have more control of your life

About Tracy
Tracy Geraghty is a mindset coach, her passion is helping others life easier lives with less complications and problems, leaving more time for pursuits that bring joy and fulfillment.
Over the years she has discovered a natural ability towards problem solving and reinvention, but it didn’t come easily!
She started her career as a Nurse and after 10 years in a variety of roles she moved into the Pharmaceutical sector where she worked as a Medical Sales Representative for over 13 years.
Then a series of life changing events lead to a major shift in circumstances. Starting with the break down of her marriage, then being made redundant and faced with becoming a single parent of two small children. Her son had also been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease around this time and required regular medical intervention and home schooling when he had a flare up.
The whole process took a major toll but it never stopped her from working to create a
successful future for herself and her children. It took a few years to get back up on her feet again and her first venture was running workshops on Interview Technique for teenagers in schools. Her interest in personal development, and a strong desire to help others who have underestimated their potential, lead her to pursue a career as a Life Coach and she is trained in Strategic Intervention through the Robbins Madanes coaching.
This is a FREE networking event by ITAG, however registration is essential, simple send us an email to with Success without the Stress in the subject line.

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