Working Remotely and Time Management – 2nd Session

Event type:Core Skills
Organised by:

Event Details

- 11:30
Wed, June 3 2020
- Wed, June 3 2020

Workshop Background and Aims:
Time Management was a challenge when you went into the office every day. Now you are working from home and the lack of structure, working area and distractions make it even more difficult to manage your time effectively. This course aims to explore the challenges and develop strategies to support you manage the tasks and activities you must complete in the time available working from home.

Workshop Objectives
By the end of this programme you will
• Identified pitfalls that steal time away from you to avoid when working from home
• Have strategies to manage your time effectively in your new home working environment
• Have prepared a personal action plan to develop the skills required and
implement steps to manage your time.

Workshop Format
The programme will be highly participative and include discussions and exercises to address the objectives. The participants will be encouraged to interact and discuss challenges of working from home and develop strategies to put into practice that will work for them. The programme is divided into 1 x 3-hour session (27th May 9:30 am – 12:30 pm) followed by 1 x 2 hour session (3rd June 9:30 am –  11:30 am). The sessions will be run via zoom and will be engaging participants through active discussions utilising the chat function and breakout rooms.

Workshop Content
• The benefits and challenges of home working. Your outcome: What do you want to
create? The participants will explore both the benefits and challenges of home
working along with the outcome they would like to create through managing the
• The foundation time management skills: Whether working from home or at the
workplace, you need good time management skills of planning, prioritsing tasks and
scheduling tasks into your day, week, month to achieve your goals. Applying these
core skills as a staple to good time management will be initially discussed.
• Strategies to manage the challenges of home working and best practice tips:
Common challenges generally fit into the categories of Focus, creating structure,
boundaries, creating a dedicated work area, managing working hours, collaborating
and connecting with work colleagues. These and others will be explored and
connected to the core time management skills of planning, prioritising and task
scheduling using an effective to-do-plan.

Working Remotely and Time Management

• The participants will work together, sharing ideas and then develop their action
plans to implement and practice after the first 3- hour session.
• The 2nd 2hr session will follow-up on with participants sharing their new insights,
what they have practiced and further exploration of challenges and how to manage
• A variety of tools and techniques will be shared with the participants.

To book your place email This is a core skills training event hosted by itag Skillnet

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