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AI Report
July 7, 2022

Report on future skills needs for the use of AI in Ireland

The report, entitled AI Skills: A Preliminary Assessment of the Skills Needed for the Deployment, Management and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, highlights the need for everyone, regardless of whether they work in tech or not, will need some level of knowledge and understanding of AI.

Commenting on the launch of the report, Minister Troy said:

“The report today highlights the huge potential that AI presents and forecasts the future skills needs to seize these opportunities. But if we are to see the benefits we must be prepared. Government is already working with our counterparts in Europe to develop an effective regulatory framework that will ensure the ethical use of AI, championing a person-centred, trustworthy approach to AI in its deployment and application. Further action is needed now across all realms of society to ensure we have the know-how to use AI effectively and fairly to the benefit and good of us all.”

Read full report here

Check out the full details of itag’s Postgraduate Cert in Artificial Intelligence for Managers