AI Summit AtlanTec Festival

Event type:AI Events
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Event Details

- 13:00
Wed, May 17 2023
Theme: Deriving Value from AI and Aligning AI with our Values
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:10 Welcome – Prof. Michael Madden, University of Galway
09:10 – 09:50 Dr Abeba Birhane, UCD / Mozilla Foundation
Dr Abeba Birhane, UCD / Mozilla Foundation
Abeba Birhane (PhD) is a cognitive scientist researching human behaviour, social systems, and responsible and ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI). She is a Senior Fellow in Trustworthy AI at Mozilla Foundation. Her interdisciplinary research explores various broad themes in cognitive science, AI, ML, complexity science, and theories of decoloniality. More specifically, she examines the challenges and pitfalls of computational models and datasets.

Talk Title: Automating Injustice

Complex adaptive systems (e.g., human behaviour and social systems) are inherently dynamic, messy, ambiguous, incompressible, non-determinable, and non-predictable. Due to their incompressibility, neither datasets nor models can capture complex systems in their entirety. Instead, large scale datasets and predictive models pick up societal and historical stereotypes and injustices and are marked with various failures. Subsequently, individuals and groups at the margins of society pay the highest price when AI systems fail, while the most privileged and powerful corporations benefit. Yet, discussions of AI ethics tend to be abstract and based on visions of alternative realities far-fetched, sci-fi based, and devoid of current concrete realities.  In this talk, I: i) emphasize the challenges of modelling complex behaviour, ii) argue that equitable algorithmic systems need looking beyond technical solutions and require broader structural rethinking, and iii) highlight that visions of alternative realities need to be informed by and grounded in current realities.

09:50 – 10:30 Martin Cunneen UL, Kemmy Business School
     Talk Title: Trustworthy AI/ML
10:30 – 10:50 Tea/Coffee Networking10:50 – 11:30 Rachel Finn
11:30 – 12:30 Panel Discussion ‘Aligning AI with our Values’                          Moderator:  Karen Conway, Fidelity Investments
    Panellists:  John Shaw, Carelon Global Solutions,
12:30 – 13:00 Light Lunch and Networking
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