Building Cyber Security & Compliance into your Start-up

Event type:CyberEvents
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Event Details

- 13:45
Wed, April 21 2021
If you’re in the early stages of the start-up lifecycle it’s never too early to invest in getting your cybersecurity and compliance in place. Show your investors and your customers that you have taken steps to ensure that your start-up is as secure as can be and can be trusted with their business. Our panel of speakers will be sharing valuable insights and advice covering the basics from GDPR through to What to Ask your Developer. The breakout sessions hosted by our experts will also allow for networking and questions..
Andrea Manning – Creating a culture of security awareness and navigating GDPR when you’re building your startup.
Simon Whittaker – An overview of current cyber threats. Practical, low cost, risk-mitigation controls including signposting to resources and further guidance for boards, staff and volunteers
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