Embracing Mistakes: Cultivating a Growth-Oriented Culture

Genesys, Bonham Quay

Event Details

- 12:00
Tue, November 26 2024

Date:  26th November

Time:  10am – 12 noon

Venue:  Genesys, Bonham Quay

Speaker:  Jessica Bobbit, Sr. Director, Customer Success & Services, Geneys

Talk Title:  Embracing Mistakes: Cultivating a Growth-Oriented Culture


Short Overview

Jessica will explore the transformative power of viewing mistakes as opportunities for learning within an organisation. Hear firsthand experiences and proven strategies for managing through mistakes to achieve positive outcomes. Attendees will leave with actionable insights on how to create an environment where employees feel valued and supported, paving the way for continuous improvement and success.


Mistakes are an expected, important component of learning & growth. Discussions within a team can help to normalize mistakes, which is not to say that ‘Sloppy’ mistakes are ok, but should set the expectation that mistakes are normal and we can learn from them so we don’t repeat. This allows us to be higher performing individuals and teams.

Following Jessica’s talk, she will be joined by a  panel to discuss what framework or toolset CSMs and CS leaders can use to help us learn from mistakes to have a culture of growth, trust, and collaboration.


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