Integrating Security

Event type:CyberEvents
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Event Details

- 17:00
Tue, October 27 2020

itag Cyber Forum are delighted to bring you the October Masterclass ‘Integrating Security’ as part of Cyber Month


Take a trip through how DevOps practices can integrate with security to increase ones overall business value.  What you can do, where you can learn, and identifying some first steps.

  • The Cyberthreat Landscape
  • Assessing the value stream
  • Integrating Security Practices

Dr. Mark Peters

Dr. Mark Peters works for Technica Corporation as Lead Information Assurance/Security Engineer on a US Air Force cyber weapon system.  A cybersecurity expert, he holds multiple industry certifications including a CISSP and PMP.  A DevOps Institute ambassador and USA chapter chair, he enjoys working with individuals on their unique DevSecOps approaches.

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