Agilifying Agile Coaching

Event type:Core Skills
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Event Details

- 12:00
Tue, June 30 2020

Agilifying Agile Coaching –  A look at agile change and coaching via a real life scenario.

We are delighted to have itag Agile Forum and Nigel Baker join us for June Master Class. Nigel is a Certified Scrum Trainer – one of only a few in the UK. He has been working with Agile techniques for over 12 years and was one of the Lead Agile Consultants for BT – Who undertook the largest Agile transformation in the world, at that time.

This will be an open form masterclass taking an example real life post/coaching conversation and using it as the starting point for:

1. Agile

2. Coaching and

3. Agile Coaching in particular.

Possible topics for this interactive Master Class are as follows:

1. Learn about simple wrong answers over complex better ones

2. Understand the difference between different and wrong

3. Understand coaching stances

4. Understand about the process of change being as important as change itself.

5. Discover that the problem with coaching is sometimes the coach.

6. Learn a little about Cynefin – The complexity science framework.

“Agilifying Agile Coaching.”  A look at agile change and coaching via a real life scenario where the attendees will though deep discussion and exploitation, discover more about the difficult and complex world of Agile Coaching and ScrumMastery.

Nigel’s background includes being a software developer in traditional and Scrum teams before moving into Project Management and ScrumMaster roles on many projects across the IT sector. Nigel has been coaching and training Scrum and Agile techniques for the last decade and is regarded as one of the leading experts in training in this industry.

@itag_technology @agilebear @nigelebaker #agile #itagTalks #TechTalks

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