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Level Up Work and Wellness Programme

Event type:Digital Women

Event Details

- 14:00
Wed, September 22 2021

A Conscious Approach to Personal Wellness & Agility

Commences: Wednesday 22nd September 1.00pm – 1.45pm

(Biweekly for 6 sessions)

Limited Availability

22nd September 13:00 – 14:00 Self Discovery – Zoom in on You

Key Workshop Takeaways:

  • What do you value most at this point in your life?
  • How well are you meeting these values?
  • How satisfied and fulfilled do you feel in your life right now?
  • What immediate actions can you take to experience a deeper sense of satisfaction, fulfilment, and joy in life?

Bio: JJ O Riordan is the founder of The Mindful Leader Academy. The Academy has been delivering senior leadership development programs globally across locations such as Singapore, China, India , as well as multiple locations throughout the US and Europe since 2009.  JJ’s background is in technology where he was the Director of Test Technology in Analog Devices with whom he worked for 24 years.

Growth 6th October

Goal Setting 20th October

Vitality 3rd November

Attention 17th November

Accountability 1st December

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