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Level Up Work and Wellness Programme

Event type:Digital Women

Event Details

- 14:00
Wed, December 1 2021

A Conscious Approach to Personal Agility & Wellness

22 September – 1 December

13:00 – 13:45

(Every 2nd Wednesday for 6 sessions)

 Self Discovery – Zoom in on You 22nd September 13:00 – 14:00

Growth – Be empowered to grow

6th October 13:00 – 13:45 

Goal Setting–  What Rises to the Top

20th October 13:00- 13:45

Are your goals aligned to your values & what’s important to you? / Embrace the Buddy system to grow and celebrate successes.


3rd November 13:00 -13:45

What expands or depletes your energy? / Mindful Self-care and focus


17th November 13:00 – 13:45

Where is your focus? / How to ditch the distractions

Accountability Stay Passionately on Your Path

1st December 13:00 – 13:45

Accountability for your own success

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